Why we can’t go there…until we can

Show of hands please! Who dreams BIG? So big it’s ridiculous and improbable, irresponsible and so far flung it’s inconceivable? Now. Another show of hands. Who can’t, even in the private space of our their own mind, go there? Why is it so hard to reach beyond a conceivable, safe and realistic growth space even a tiny stretch out of our immediate grasp?

Recently I was given a homework assignment to stretch far, far beyond what I believed was achievable. Far beyond what seemed reasonable given my current circumstances.

And I found that even THINKING big was so foreign to me I was at a total loss. 

On it’s face the assignment seemed like the most natural, easiest cake walk. I mean, who doesn’t have big dreams and visions for what they’d do when they win the lottery? But winning the lottery is different. It happens to you. You don’t have to build confidence and trust in yourself that it’s actually within your own sphere to make it happen. 

So are we capable of holding a vision so big, and so bold, that it literally makes us feel sick to our stomachs? Hold is a verb, and by definition means to keep or sustain, or bear the weight of. So the question is: Are we capable of bearing the weight of, and sustaining, a vision that’s so big that it makes us feel queasy? 

Getting to a “yes” can be a circuitous route. It may feel like we’re entering an unsafe space. Our brains like the known, so to move beyond there may be utterly inconceivable. Until it’s not.

It took me several days of grappling with this to finally let go and allow myself first to even think it, then to actually write it down. When I read it now I still feel a tiny bit silly - who am I to even think I can do that? But, I also have a feeling of exhilaration, and to my utter astonishment, the realization that maybe my boldest vision really can become a reality. And the more I read it, the more it seems less incredulous and more within reach. I’ve even begun taking the tiniest steps in that direction.

Now my homework assignment for you is to do the same! Maybe just start by recognizing whether holding a bold vision for yourself and your life comes naturally. If it does, then go wild. But what if it’s really, really hard and you don’t even know how to begin?

It’s enough to sit with doubt for a few minutes, hours, days, etc. And once you do, then see if you can hear, and honor, that inner knowing or guiding voice within that’s very likely already holding the seed of your big, bold vision. Take your time in this space. Once you’re comfortable there, just GO FOR IT! Take that crazy leap and let that vision actually come to life in the privacy of your very own mind space. Then, even if you feel queasy, write it down somewhere safe and private. Let it sink it. Laugh at yourself for writing something so absurd. Then keep reading it, and keep thinking about it until it’s not so crazy after all.

Hold it in your grasp as you would something that comes easily and naturally. See how it feels to be here.

You can choose to share your boldest vision, or keep it close. For now, I’m choosing to keep mine safely tucked away in my journal for my eyes only. Don’t worry about a timeline. But don’t be surprised when you begin to see opportunities or doors opening that may lead you toward your boldest vision. Abraham Hicks says, “Just change the thought, and watch how fast the Universe scampers to deliver to you circumstances and events that are in vibrational harmony with your thought.” So even thinking your boldest vision may actually come to life can begin a series of events to make it come to life.

And… when your boldest vision begins to do just that, I want to be the first to know! 


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A House Built on Love